2024: Randal Schnoor

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) is pleased to announce that Dr. Randal Schnoor of York University is the 2024 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Schnoor has made outstanding contributions to Canadian Jewish studies in his publications, teaching and service.

Dr Schnoor’s early work was on the study of Jewish groups who were not always considered in the “mainstream” of Canadian Jewish studies. As an offshoot of his M.A. work at McMaster, he published on the ultra-Orthodox Jews of Outremont. In his PhD, and in subsequent publications, he used a solid ethnographic approach to study aspects of the lives of gay Jewish men.  Since then, he has examined the issue that is often at the centre of communal discussions and budgets, but rarely analyzed carefully-Jewish education. In conjunction with foremost scholars of Jewish education, such as Jack Wertheimer and Alex Pomson, Dr Schnoor carried out both important wide-ranging surveys of Jewish education, and has published ethnographic micro-studies of Jewish schools  and families. Among his monographs are Pomson and Schnoor, Back to School: Jewish Day School in the Lives of Adult Jews (2008) and Pomson and Schnoor Jewish Family: Identity and Self-Formation at Home (2018). He has published significant articles on education as well as on Canadian Jewish Demography. He recently co-edited, with Robert Brym, The Ever-Dying People? Canada’s Jews in Comparative Perspective which calls for more comparative work between Jews and other ethnoreligious minorities in Canada. In addition to co-authoring the introduction to the volume, Dr Schnoor contributed a very valuable chapter on Jewish education.

Dr Schnoor’s service is varied, but one commitment stands out. For nine years, between 2005 and 2014, he served as President of the Association for Canadian Jewish studies. During that time he fostered the growth of the journal Canadian Jewish Studies as well as the newsletter and the listserve. The annual conference continued to draw in new members, especially graduate students. This service activity, on its own, was a major argument for conferring on Dr. Schnoor the Rosenberg award.

Our most sincere thanks go to Dr. Schnoor for his exceptional work in our field, and our congratulations on being presented the Louis Rosenberg Award.


L’Association d’études juives canadiennes (AÉJC) a le plaisir d’annoncer que Randal Schnoor, de l’Université York, est le lauréat 2024 du Prix Louis Rosenberg pour services éminents en études juives canadiennes. M. Schnoor a apporté une contribution exceptionnelle aux études juives canadiennes par ses publications, son enseignement et ses services.

Les premiers travaux de M. Schnoor ont porté sur l’étude de groupes juifs qui n’étaient pas toujours considérés comme faisant partie du “courant principal” des études juives canadiennes. Dans le prolongement de son travail de maîtrise à McMaster, il a publié une étude sur les Juifs ultra-orthodoxes d’Outremont. Dans son doctorat et dans ses publications ultérieures, il a utilisé une approche ethnographique solide pour étudier certains aspects de la vie des hommes juifs homosexuels. Depuis, il s’est penché sur une question qui est souvent au centre des discussions et des budgets communautaires, mais qui est rarement analysée en profondeur : l’éducation juive. En collaboration avec d’éminents spécialistes de l’éducation juive, tels que Jack Wertheimer et Alex Pomson, M. Schnoor a réalisé d’importantes enquêtes de grande envergure sur l’éducation juive et a publié des micro-études ethnographiques sur les écoles et les familles juives. Parmi ses monographies, citons Pomson et Schnoor, Back to School : Jewish Day School in the Lives of Adult Jews (2008) et Pomson et Schnoor, Jewish Family : Identity and Self-Formation at Home (2018). Il a publié d’importants articles sur l’éducation ainsi que sur la démographie juive canadienne. Il a récemment coédité, avec Robert Brym, The Ever-Dying People ? Canada’s Jews in Comparative Perspective, qui appelle à davantage de travaux comparatifs entre les Juifs et les autres minorités ethnoreligieuses au Canada. En plus d’être co-auteur de l’introduction de l’ouvrage, M. Schnoor a contribué à un chapitre très pertinent sur l’éducation juive.

Les services rendus par M. Schnoor sont variés, mais un engagement se démarque. Pendant neuf ans, entre 2005 et 2014, il a été président de l’Association des études juives canadiennes. Pendant cette période, il a stimulé la progression de la revue Canadian Jewish Studies ainsi que de la lettre d’information et de la liste de diffusion. La conférence annuelle a continué à attirer de nouveaux membres, en particulier des étudiants diplômés. Cette activité de service, à elle seule, a été un argument majeur pour conférer à M. Schnoor le prix Rosenberg.

Nos remerciements les plus sincères vont au Dr Schnoor pour son travail exceptionnel dans notre domaine, et nos félicitations pour l’attribution du prix Louis Rosenberg.

2023: Morton Weinfeld

Le français suit l’anglais

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) is very pleased to announce that Dr. Morton Weinfeld of McGill University is the 2023 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award. Following doctoral studies at Harvard, where his advisor was Nathan Glazer, Dr. Weinfeld (better known to most as Mort) began his career at McGill University in 1977. He has held for over fifteen years the Chair in Canadian Ethnic Studies. In addition, he has been Chair of the Sociology Department for a total of nine years.

In total, Dr. Weinfeld has published (authored, co-authored, co-edited) more than 10 books, more than 30 articles in reviewed journals, dozens of book chapters, and approximately 20 book reviews. He has collaborated in his publications with more than 25 different people, a good proportion of which are PhD students and young scholars that he has mentored. As a reflection of Mort’s commitment to multi-disciplinary studies, of the collaborators, we find demographers, political scientists, historians, psychologists, psychoanalysts, nurses, social workers, and of course sociologists. His landmark book, Like Everyone Else but Different: The paradoxical success of Canadian Jews (2001), was selected as one of the 100 books described in the volume, One Hundred Great Jewish Books, by Rabbi Lawrence Hoffman.  In 2013, Dr. Weinfeld received the prestigious Marshall Sklare Award from the Association for Social Scientific Study of Canadian Jewry, which recognizes a senior scholar who has made major contributions to the social scientific study of Jewry.

It is a distinct honour to be able to present the Louis Rosenberg Distinguished Service award to Dr. Weinfeld for his service in advancing Canadian Jewish Studies.  We look forward to presenting him with this award as the ACJS convenes at York University in Toronto, May 29-31, 2023.

L’Association d’études juives canadiennes (AÉJC) est très heureuse d’annoncer que Morton Weinfeld, de l’Université McGill, est le récipiendaire du Prix Louis Rosenberg pour services éminents en études juives canadiennes pour l’année 2023. Après des études de doctorat à Harvard, où son conseiller était Nathan Glazer, professeur Weinfeld (mieux connu sous le nom de Mort) a commencé sa carrière à l’Université McGill en 1977. Il a occupé pendant plus de quinze ans la chaire d’études ethniques canadiennes. En outre, il a été président du département de sociologie pendant neuf ans.

Au total, M. Weinfeld a publié (en tant qu’auteur, coauteur ou coéditeur) plus de 10 livres, plus de 30 articles dans des revues spécialisées, des dizaines de chapitres de livres et environ 20 critiques de livres. Il a collaboré à ses publications avec plus de 25 personnes différentes, dont une bonne partie sont des doctorants et de jeunes chercheurs qu’il a encadrés. L’engagement de Mort en faveur d’études pluridisciplinaires se traduit par la présence de démographes, de politologues, d’historiens, de psychologues, de psychanalystes, d’infirmières, de travailleurs sociaux et, bien sûr, de sociologues. Son livre phare, Like Everyone Else but Different : The paradoxical success of Canadian Jews (2001), a été sélectionné comme l’un des 100 livres décrits dans l’ouvrage One Hundred Great Jewish Books, par le rabbin Lawrence Hoffman.  En 2013, M. Weinfeld a reçu le prestigieux prix Marshall Sklare de l’Association for Social Scientific Study of Canadian Jewry, qui récompense un chercheur chevronné ayant apporté une contribution majeure à l’étude scientifique sociale des Juifs.

C’est un grand honneur de pouvoir remettre le prix Louis Rosenberg pour services éminents à M. Weinfeld pour les services qu’il a rendus à l’avancement des études juives canadiennes.  Nous sommes impatients de lui remettre ce prix lors de la réunion de l’AÉJC à l’Université York à Toronto, du 29 au 31 mai 2023.

2022: Michael Brown

Le français suit l’anglais

Since 2001, the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies has presented the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award to recognize a significant contribution made by an individual, institution, or group to Canadian Jewish Studies. We are delighted to announce that the 2022 Louis Rosenberg Award is being awarded to Michael Brown.

Professor Emeritus Michael Brown earned his BA from Harvard College (1960) and his MA from Columbia University (1963) before training for the rabbinate and earning his rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary (1968). He then earned his PhD from the State University of New York at Buffalo (1976). In 1968, while he was still completing his PhD, Michael Brown was recruited by York University to build a Jewish Studies program, ex nihilo.  At York, he developed and taught some two dozen courses to thousands of students over the course of his career at various levels of the curriculum. His published work on Jewish education, including Teaching Teachers (with Alex Pomson and Sydney Eisen, 2000), Creating the Jewish Future (with Bernard Lightman 1999 – translated into Russian in 2001), and Approaches to Antisemitism: Context and Curriculum (1994) are highly influential. In addition to serving as coordinator for York University’s Jewish Teacher Education Program, his leadership activities included his role as liaison between the Faculty of Education and the Holocaust Remembrance Committee of the Canadian Jewish Congress.  In addition to his books, Professor Brown has published some thirty-five book chapters, about half of which focused on Canadian Jewish subjects ranging from bi-nationalism and multiculturalism to antisemitism in the 1930s, from Jewish summer camping to Canadian Jewish women’s history, and from Jewish teacher education to Canadian Zionism. He also published twenty-two articles in refereed journals, again about half of which were on Canadian Jewish topics – on religion, politics, history, and education – in both English and Hebrew. With over thirty additional publications over and above his books, chapters, and peer-reviewed articles, Professor Brown’s output has been impressive. Worth highlighting here are his studies of Rabbi Stuart E. Rosenberg, Jews and Judaism in Canada’s Schools and Universities, the rise of Reform Judaism in Canada, the Hart Affair, aliyah from Canada, the diaspora Hebrew press, and the North American dimensions of key Zionist leaders, including Chaim Nahman Bialik, Vladimir Jabotinsky, and Golda Meir.

Our most sincere thanks go to Professor Brown for his decades of exceptional work in our field, and our congratulations on being presented the Louis Rosenberg Award.

Depuis 2001, l’Association d’études juives canadiennes a décerné le Prix d’excellence Louis Rosenberg en études juives canadiennes afin de reconnaître la contribution importante d’un individu, d’une institution ou d’un groupe aux études juives canadiennes. Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que le Prix Louis Rosenberg 2022 est décerné à Michael Brown.

Le professeur émérite Michael Brown a obtenu un baccalauréat du Harvard College (1960) et une maîtrise de l’Université Columbia (1963) avant de se former au rabbinat et d’être ordonné rabbin du Jewish Theological Seminary (1968). Il a ensuite obtenu son doctorat à l’université d’État de New York à Buffalo (1976). En 1968, alors qu’il terminait son doctorat, Michael Brown a été recruté par l’Université York pour mettre en place un programme d’études juives. Durant sa carrière à York, il a élaboré et enseigné quelque deux douzaines de cours à des milliers d’étudiants de différents niveaux du programme. Ses travaux publiés sur l’éducation juive, dont Teaching Teachers (avec Alex Pomson et Sydney Eisen, 2000), Creating the Jewish Future (avec Bernard Lightman 1999 – traduit en russe en 2001), et Approaches to Antisemitism : Context and Curriculum (1994) sont très influents. En plus d’être le coordonnateur du programme de formation des enseignants juifs de l’Université York, il a joué un rôle de premier plan en tant qu’agent de liaison entre la Faculté d’éducation et le Comité de commémoration de l’Holocauste du Congrès juif canadien.  En plus de ses livres, le professeur Brown a publié quelque trente-cinq chapitres de livres, dont environ la moitié portait sur des sujets juifs canadiens allant du binationalisme et du multiculturalisme à l’antisémitisme dans les années 1930, du camping d’été juif à l’histoire des femmes juives canadiennes, et de la formation des enseignants juifs au sionisme canadien. Il a également publié vingt-deux articles dans des revues à comité de lecture, dont la moitié environ portait sur des sujets juifs canadiens – religion, politique, histoire et éducation – en anglais et en hébreu. Avec plus de trente publications supplémentaires en plus de ses livres, chapitres et articles évalués par des pairs, la production du professeur Brown est impressionnante. Il convient de souligner ici ses études sur le rabbin Stuart E. Rosenberg, les juifs et le judaïsme dans les écoles et les universités canadiennes, l’essor du judaïsme réformé au Canada, l’affaire Hart, l’aliyah du Canada, la presse hébraïque de la diaspora et les dimensions nord-américaines des principaux dirigeants sionistes, notamment Chaim Nahman Bialik, Vladimir Jabotinsky et Golda Meir.

Nous adressons nos plus sincères remerciements au professeur Brown pour ses décennies de travail exceptionnel dans notre domaine, et nous le félicitons de s’être vu décerner le prix Louis Rosenberg.

2021: Frank Bialystok

We are delighted to announce that the 2021 Louis Rosenberg Award is being awarded to our dear colleague and friend Frank Bialystok. Frank Bialystok is a senior scholar of Canadian Jewish Studies who has been committed to Holocaust scholarship and education for over four decades. His groundbreaking study, Delayed Impact, altered the course of Holocaust Studies in Canada and ushered in a new age of study in the field. He has mentored a generation of scholars in the field and has been a dedicated and generous supporter of the ACJS for many years. He is an outstanding scholar, community activist, and a mentsh. Congratulations Frank!


Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que le Prix Louis Rosenberg 2021 est décerné à notre cher collègue et ami Frank Bialystok. Frank est un chercheur éminent en études juives canadiennes qui se consacre à la recherche et à l’éducation sur l’Holocauste depuis plus de quatre décennies. Son étude novatrice, Delayed Impact, a modifié le cours des études sur l’Holocauste au Canada et a lancé une nouvelle ère d’étude dans le domaine. Il a encadré une génération de chercheurs dans le domaine et a été un collaborateur dévoué et généreux de l’AÉJC pendant de nombreuses années. C’est un érudit d’exception, un activiste communautaire impliqué et un véritable mentsh. Félicitations, Frank!

2019: Normal Baumel Joseph

It is a great honour for the ACJS to announce that Dr. Norma Baumel Joseph is the 2019 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Joseph brings together the highest standards of scholarship, creative and effective dissemination of research, and activism in a manner without rival in our field of Canadian Jewish studies, as well as being a respected voice in Jewish feminist studies more broadly.

Dr. Joseph’s scholarship is remarkable for her mastery of both traditional rabbinic sources and anthropological methods. Her work on the responsa of Rabbi Moses Feinstein, including an award-winning article published in American Jewish History 83,2 (1995), is based on a close reading of some of the most technical and difficult halakhic texts. Her mastery of these sources is also apparent in articles on women and prayer, the mehitzah, and the bat mitsvah. She has used her knowledge of halakhah in her academic work on Jewish divorce in Canada, including an article in Studies in Religion(2011) and is a collaborator in a recently awarded grant project, “Troubling Orthopraxies: A Studies of Jewish Divorce in Canada.” As a trained anthropologist, and as a feminist, she realizes that food is also a text and she has made important contributions to both the history of Iraqi Jews in Canada, and to our understanding of the history of food in the Jewish community. Her SSHRC-funded research has resulted in recent essays such as “From Baghdad to Montreal: Food, Gender and Identity.” Her ongoing reflections on Jewish women in Canada, first appearing as early as 1981 in the volume Canadian Jewish Mosaic are foundational texts in the study of Jewish women in Canada.

Dr. Joseph has chosen to disseminate her research and wisdom in a variety of effective ways. Her undergraduate and graduate students at Concordia praise her innovative student-centred teaching. Recently, she instituted a for-credit internship at the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish archives which has been beneficial to both the student and the archive. She is in constant demand as a lecturer in both professional and lay settings. Her work in film has reached a wide audience. She is unforgettable in Half the Kingdom, a 1989 NFB documentary on Jewish women and Judaism where she explores with sensitivity the challenges—and rewards—of being both a feminist and an Orthodox Jew. She also served as consultant to the film, and was a co-author of the accompanying guidebook to what has become one of the most important Canadian documentaries on a Jewish theme ever made. Since 2002 Dr. Joseph has also committed herself to public education by taking on the task of writing a regular column on Jewish life for the Canadian Jewish News. Her views are based on a deep understanding of Judaism and contemporary Jewish life and are worthy of anthologizing.

Dr. Joseph’s work as an activist is perhaps best known in the Canadian Jewish world. She is a founding member of the Canadian Coalition of Jewish Women for the Get and worked for the creation of a Canadian law to aid and protect agunot. As part of her Women for the Get work Dr. Joseph also participated in an educational film, Untying the Bonds – Jewish Divorce, produced by the Coalition of Jewish Women for the Get in 1997. She has also worked on the issue of agunot, as well as advocated for the creation of a prayer space for women at the Western Wall among international Jewish organizations.

Dr. Joseph is perhaps less known for her significant and lasting commitments to the study of Canadian Jewry. She helped in the founding of the Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies at Concordia, and convened the Institute from 1994 until 1997, when a Chair was hired. She was also a founder and co-director of Concordia University’s Azrieli Institute for Israel Studies. In 1998 she was appointed Chair of the CJC National Archives Committee, and has remained in the position since then, under the new designation of Chair of the Advisory Committee for the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives. In this capacity, Dr. Joseph has been a forceful and effective advocate for protecting and promoting the preservation of Canadian Jewish archival material and for appreciating the professionalism of the staff. She has also lent her time and experience to multiple meetings and interventions at various crucial junctures in the recent history of the Canadian Jewish Archives, during which she has balanced and countered arguments that would have led to the dissolution or extreme diminishing of the Archives as we know it. Her perseverance in networking and using her powers of persuasion on key people of influence has been a significant factor in its continued existence. Her work on behalf of the Archives has drawn her into diverse committees and consultations. Notably she contributed her expertise to the chairing of a sub-committee convened by Parks Canada when their Commemorative Places section was in search of Canadian Jewish woman-related content. Her suggestions made during our 2005 meetings have resulted in several site designations over the course of the past twelve years.

Dr. Joseph has had a unique role in Canadian Jewish studies and Canadian Jewish life, and is richly deserving of the Louis Rosenberg Award.

2018: Richard Menkis

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) is very pleased to announce Richard Menkis as the 2018 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award. Professor Menkis has a long and very distinguished career as a strong advocate for and practitioner of the scholarship and teaching of Canadian Jewish studies.

Dr. Menkis received his PhD from Brandeis University in 1988 and for many years held a position in the Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies with a cross-appointment to the Department of History at the University of British Columbia. He is currently Associate Professor of Medieval and Modern Jewish History in the History Department at UBC. In addition to the surveys of medieval and modern Jewish history, he has taught advanced undergraduate courses on the Holocaust; Canadian Jewish history; fascism and antifascism; the historiography of genocide; and Jewish identity and the graphic novel. He continues to supervise both MA and PhD student theses at UBC and has served on PhD committees at other institutions.

Dr. Menkis’s research interests focus on Canadian Jewish studies, and he has published widely on the cultural and religious history of Canadian Jewry. His articles have appeared in American Jewish History, American Jewish Archives, Canadian Ethnic Studies, Canadian Jewish Studies and in a number of edited volumes. Dr. Menkis was co-author, with Harold Troper, of More Than Just Games: Canada and the 1936 Olympics (University of Toronto Press, 2015), a seminal work in the field that presents a thorough investigation of the responses and reactions of both Jewish and non-Jewish Canadian athletes and their communities to participation in the games. He is continuing the research for a publication, begun with Gerald Tulchinsky (z”l), on an aspect of the Canadian Jewish garment industry.

Dr. Menkis has helped lay the infrastructure for the study and teaching of Canadian Jewish history. He was the founding editor of Canadian Jewish Studies (CJS), the Association’s scholarly journal, guiding it carefully through the many stages of design and editorship to the successful publication of its first issue, in 1993. He taught one of the first courses in Canadian Jewish history, and his syllabus was widely consulted.

He was co-editor (with Norman Ravvin) of the landmark Canadian Jewish Studies Reader (Red Deer Press, 2004), which won the Canadian Jewish Book Award for Scholarship on a Jewish Subject in 2006 and is used in courses in Canadian Jewish studies.

For the 22-volume revision of the Encyclopaedia Judaica (2nd edition, Macmillan, 2007), Menkis and Harold Troper were the Divisional co-editors for Canadian subjects, commissioning and editing some 240 individual articles; this represented a greatly expanded and a virtual reworking of all the entries dealing with Canada.

Dr. Menkis has played a very important role in the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies. In addition to founding CJS, he continued in his role as editor until the publication of a special issue devoted to a bibliography of works published since 1965 on “Jews and Judaism in Canada” in 1999-2000. He also was one of the four compilers of that bibliography. Another noteworthy special issue was the 1996-1997 volume focusing on Canadian perspectives on the Holocaust, for which he shared editorial responsibility with Paula Draper. After stepping down as CJSeditor, Richard co-edited (with Ira Robinson) one more double issue of the journal in 2005-2006, co-published with Jewish History.

He chaired the local arrangements committee (Faith Jones, Betty Nitkin and Ronnie Tessler) for the Association’s extremely successful Vancouver conference in 2008, when he also worked with his committee to assure funding through gifts and grants from local donors and agencies. He also co-edited with Faith Jones a “mini- festschrift” in honour of Seymour Levitan’s receiving the Association’s Louis Rosenberg Distinguished Service Award that same year.

Working with the lay community is of importance to the Association, and the award also acknowledges that Dr. Menkis has been extensively involved with Vancouver’s Jewish community. He has supported institutions such as the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre (VHEC) and the Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia. He has served as the co-author of two exhibitions for the VHEC and has participated in public history projects with the Museum.

For his body of research, his leadership in the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies, his selfless devotion to academia, and his deep engagement with the wider Jewish community in Vancouver and beyond, Professor Richard Menkis is the very deserving recipient of the 2018 Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award.

2017: Ruth Panofsky

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) is very pleased to announce Ruth Panofsky as the 2017 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award.

Professor Panofsky is a first-rate scholar who has worked tirelessly over the course of many years, publishing distinguished and consistently solid scholarly work that puts her in the top rank of Canadian literary and Canadian Jewish scholars by general consensus among colleagues in both fields here in Canada and abroad.

Over the past twenty-five years, Ruth Panofsky has edited or written a number of excellent works that have entered simultaneously into the canons of both Canadian literary and Canadian Jewish scholarship. Of special consideration are her pioneering and exceptional books focused on the career and literary achievements of our foremost Canadian Jewish woman writer, Adele Wiseman. Ruth Panofsky produced the indispensable Annotated Bibliography of Wiseman’s work that helped open up the field of research in Wiseman’s literary oeuvre. She co-edited the remarkable correspondence between Margaret Laurence and Adele Wiseman over the decades of their lifelong friendship and association. She wrote a stunning critical work, The Force of Vocation: The Literary Career of Adele Wiseman, which drew insightful attention to the novelist’s classic oeuvre. Ruth Panofsky then topped these scholarly triumphs with a book of excellent studies, At Odds in the World: Essays on Jewish Canadian Women Writers, which singles her out as the pre-eminent national and international authority in this field. In 2014, she published the comprehensive two-volume critical edition of Miriam Waddington’s Collected Poems, a feat of exhaustive and meticulous scholarship, which has received a number of key literary awards. Most recently, she is the editor of The New Spice Box: Canadian Jewish Writing, a two-volume anthology that brings together an eclectic mix of poetry, short stories, and creative non-fiction.

Ruth Panofsky has also taken over the mantle of the editorship of Parchment, the longstanding Jewish Canadian literary annual, serving in this position since 2010. In this role, she continues to perform an invaluable service to all the Canadian Jewish authors showcased in this ongoing journal anthology. She has also edited special issues of Studies in American Jewish Literature, Canadian Jewish Studies/Etudes juives canadiennes, and Room of One’s Own, each devoted to the subject of Canadian Jewish writing.

During the course of her career, Ruth Panofsky has received numerous awards, honours, and grants that reflect her excellence and commitment to Canadian Jewish Studies. She has been the recipient of major funding grants from SSHRC, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Bibliographical Society of Canada, the Bibliographical Society of America, and she has also been awarded a Canadian Jewish Book Award for her second book of poetry, Laike and Nahum: A Poem in Two Voices.

Because of her significant work in the advancement of Canadian Jewish Studies as both a literary and academic figure, the ACJS is delighted to present the 2017 Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award to Ruth Panofsky. Our sincerest congratulations go to her for her receipt of this meritorious award.

L’Association d’études juives canadiennes (AÉJC) est très heureuse d’annoncer que Ruth Panofsky sera récipiendaire du prix d’excellence Louis Rosenberg en études juives canadiennes pour l’année 2017.

Professeure Panofsky est une chercheuse de premier ordre qui a travaillé sans relâche au cours de nombreuses années, en publiant un travail scientifique éminent qui la place au premier rang des chercheurs dans le champ de la littérature canadienne et la littérature juive, et ce par consensus général parmi ses pairs dans les deux domaines ici et à l’étranger.

Au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années, Ruth Panofsky a édité ou écrit nombre d’excellents ouvrages qui sont entrés immédiatement dans les canons de la littérature canadienne et de la littérature juive canadienne. Citons notamment ses livres pionniers et exceptionnels axés sur la carrière et les réalisations littéraires de notre première écrivaine juive canadienne, Adele Wiseman. Ruth Panofsky a produit l’indispensable bibliographie annotée du travail de Wiseman qui a contribué à défricher le champ de recherche portant sur l’œuvre littéraire de Wiseman. Elle co-édite la remarquable correspondance entre Margaret Laurence et Adele Wiseman, qui s’étend au fil des décennies, de leur amitié et de leur association. Elle a écrit un travail critique étonnant, The Force of Vocation : The Literary Career of Adele Wiseman, qui pose un regard instructif et judicieux sur l’œuvre classique de la romancière. Ruth Panofsky est ensuite allée au-delà de ces triomphes académiques avec un recueil d’excellentes études intitulées At Odds in the World : Essays on Jewish Canadian Women Writers, qui la consacre en tant que principale autorité nationale et internationale dans ce domaine. En 2014, elle a publié l’édition critique complète en deux volumes de Miriam Waddington, Collected Poems, un exploit témoignant d’une approche méthodologique exhaustive et minutieuse qui lui valu la réception d’un certain nombre de prix littéraires important. Plus récemment, elle est l’éditrice de The New Spice Box : Canadian Jewish Writing, une anthologie en deux volumes qui regroupe un mélange éclectique de poésie, de nouvelles et d’essais littéraires.

Ruth Panofsky a également assumé le rôle de rédactrice en chef de Parchment, la publication littéraire juive canadienne établie, depuis 2010. Dans ce rôle, elle continue d’offrir un service inestimable à tous les auteurs juifs canadiens présentés dans cette anthologie. Elle a également édité des numéros spéciaux de Studies in American Jewish Literature, Canadian Jewish Studies/Études juives canadiennes et de Room of One’s Own, consacrés chacun au sujet de la littérature juive canadienne.

Au cours de sa carrière, Ruth Panofsky a reçu de nombreux prix, distinctions et bourses qui reflètent son excellence et son engagement envers les études juives canadiennes. Elle a reçu des subventions importantes du CRSH, du Conseil des Arts du Canada, de la Société bibliographique du Canada et de la Bibliographical Society of America. Elle a également reçu un prix Canadian Jewish Book Award pour son deuxième livre de poésie Laike and Nahum : A Poem in Two Voices.

En raison de son travail important pour l’avancement des études juives canadiennes à la fois comme une figure littéraire et académique, l’AÉJC est ravie de présenter le prix d’excellence Louis Rosenberg en études juives canadiennes pour l’année 2017 à Ruth Panofsky. Nos plus sincères félicitations lui sont dirigées pour la réception de ce prix méritoire.

2016: Janice Rosen

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) is very pleased to announce Janice Rosen as the 2016 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award.
Janice Rosen has long been the chief archivist of the Alex Dworkin Canadian Jewish Archives (formerly the Canadian Jewish Congress Archives). It is an understatement to declare that all the previous recipients of this award owe Janice a debt of gratitude, as do the range of students of this field, from those who are looking for something specific, such as a record of their relatives, to those who are working on manuscripts. Regardless of the needs of those who enter the archive, they are met with cordiality, and are provided with Janice’s expertise, suggestions, and knowledge.
Janice has also served a critical function in connecting archivists from Jewish institutions across Canada. At the Association’s Conference in 2015 – as in years past – Janice was involved in the organization of a panel of archivists that was remarkable for its depth of knowledge of their respective communities and breadth of expertise in accessing that information. She is a pioneer of utilizing archives electronically, and is a founding member and the coordinator of the Canadian Jewish Heritage Network (http://cjhn.ca), the database-driven website for several Canadian Jewish partner archives and museums.
Not only an archivist, Janice is an accomplished scholar with articles on a variety of topics, including surveys of archival resources and Sephardic practices. Further, she has served on the board of the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies in a number of capacities.
Simply put, without Janice Rosen, the field of Canadian Jewish Studies would not thrive. Most of us would be academically bereft without her. As a result, the ACJS is delighted to present the 2016 Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award to Janice Rosen. Our sincerest congratulations go to her for her receipt of this meritorious award.



L’association d’études juives canadiennes (AÉJC) est heureuse d’annoncer que Janice Rosen a été choisie récipiendaire du Prix d’excellence Louis Rosenberg en études juives canadiennes pour l’année 2016.
Janice Rosen occupe depuis longtemps le poste d’archiviste en chef des Archives juives canadiennes Alex Dworkin (anciennement les Archives du Congrès juif canadien). Il n’est pas exagéré d’affirmer que tous les anciens récipiendaires de ce prix lui sont grandement redevables, tout comme l’ensemble des chercheurs de ce champ, qu’ils soient à la recherche d’un document particulier, comme des traces documentaires de leur famille, où qu’ils travaillent sur un manuscrit. Peu importe les besoins de ceux qui visitent les archives, ils sont reçus avec cordialité et profitent de l’expertise, des conseils et de la connaissance de Janice.
Janice occupa aussi un rôle central en vue de lier les différents archivistes des institutions juives à l’échelle du pays. Lors de la conférence de l’Association en 2015 – comme à d’autres occasions dans le passé – elle a organisé une séance regroupant ces archivistes, dont la profonde connaissance de leurs communautés respectives et les judicieux conseils pour accéder à l’information pertinente furent un apport précieux à notre communauté de chercheurs. Janice a aussi œuvré comme pionnière dans le virage numérique des archives et est une membre fondatrice et coordinatrice du Canadian Jewish Heritage Network, (http://cjhn.ca) une base de donnée en ligne qui regroupe plusieurs archives et musées.
Elle s’est non seulement illustrée comme archiviste, mais aussi comme chercheuse en produisant des articles sur une variété de sujets, notamment des recensements de ressources archivistiques et les pratiques sépharades. Plus encore, elle a siégé au conseil exécutif de l’Association d’études juives canadiennes, occupant au fil des ans une variété de fonctions.
Autrement dit, le champ des études juives canadiennes ne saurait prospérer sans Janice Rosen. Dans le cadre de nos activités de recherche, la plupart d’entre nous seraient sans elle pris au dépourvu. C’est pourquoi l’AÉJC est ravie de présenter le Prix d’excellence Louis Rosenberg en études juives canadiennes pour l’année 2016 à Janice Rosen. Nos plus sincères félicitations lui sont réservées pour la réception de ce prix méritoire.

2015: Pierre Anctil

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) is very pleased to announce that Professor Pierre Anctil of the University of Ottawa is the 2015 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award.
Professor Anctil obtained his PhD in Social Anthropology at the New School for Social Research in New York in 1980.  In the 35 years since, he has greatly advanced the field of Canadian Jewish studies by way of an ongoing and rich engagement with the history of the Jewish community of Quebec.  Producing numerous important original writings on the history of that community as well as translations from Yiddish to French of memoirs, historical and literary texts, he has deepened our understanding of the Canadian Jewish experience.  Professor Anctil has amassed a vast body of scholarly publications, including essays, monographs, and translation. His work, Jacob-Isaac Segal (1896-1954) : Un Poète Yiddish de Montréal et son milieu (Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2012), earned him the 2014 Canada Prize for the best French language book in the Social Sciences from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. His most recent work, À chacun ses Juifs 60 éditoriaux pour comprendre la position du Devoir à l’égard des Juifs (1910-1947) (Septendrion, 2014), offers a significant contribution to our understanding of Jewish-Québécois dynamics. This academic work has been complemented by a longstanding commitment to facilitating rapprochement between these two groups.
Dr. Anctil has also committed himself extensively to education in the area of Canadian Jewish studies.  From 2002 until 2008, while director of the Institute of Canadian Studies at the University of Ottawa, he was closely involved in founding and promoting of the university’s Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Program.  As a full professor in the University of Ottawa’s Department of History, he has taught a variety of classes devoted to the history of Jews in Canada at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  He has mentored numerous young scholars in the field of Jewish Canadian Studies. He has also advanced the cause of Canadian Jewish studies beyond Canada’s borders, serving as Guest professor in 2012 at the Halbert Center for Canadian Studies of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

L’association des études juives canadiennes (AÉJC) est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination du professeur Pierre Anctil au titre de lauréat du prix d’excellence Louis Rosenberg en études juives canadiennes pour 2015.Professeur Anctil complète son doctorat en anthropologie sociale au sein de la New School for Social Research à New York vers 1980. Au cours des trente-cinq années suivantes, il contribue grandement au champ des études juives canadiennes par un engagement riche et constant avec l’histoire de la communauté juive du Québec. Par ses nombreux écrits originaux sur l’histoire de cette communauté et par ses traductions du yiddish au français de mémoires, de littérature et de textes historiques, il a approfondi notre compréhension de l’expérience juive canadienne. Professeur Anctil publie abondamment sous différentes formes, incluant articles universitaires, monographies et traductions. Son livre, Jacob-Isaac Segal (1896-1954) : Un poète yiddish de Montréal et son milieu (les presses de l’université Laval, 2012) lui valut le prix du Canada pour le meilleur livre en français dans la catégorie des sciences sociales remis par la fédération des sciences humaines. Son œuvre la plus récente, À chacun ses Juifs : 60 éditoriaux pour comprendre la position du Devoir à l’égard des Juifs (1910-1947) (Septentrion, 2014), offre une contribution significative à notre compréhension des dynamiques entre Juifs et Québécois. L’ensemble de sa carrière est marqué par un engagement à faciliter les rapprochements entre ces deux groups. Dr Anctil s’est aussi dévoué à l’enseignement des études juives canadiennes en milieu universitaire. De 2002 à 2008, alors qu’il occupait la direction de l’institut des études canadiennes à l’université d’Ottawa, il œuvre à la mise sur pied et à la promotion du programme des études juives canadiennes Vered. Comme professeur titulaire au département d’histoire de l’université d’Ottawa, il donne un éventail de cours consacrés à l’histoire des Juifs au Canada, autant au premier cycle qu’aux cycles supérieurs. Ses qualités de mentor inspirent plusieurs de ses étudiants à poursuivre dans le champ des études juives canadiennes. Plus encore, il avance la cause des études juives canadiennes à l’étranger, quand en 2012 il s’illustre comme professeur invité au centre des études juives canadiennes Halbert à l’université hébreu de Jérusalem en Israël.

 2014: Adam Fuerstenberg

Adam Fuerstenberg is Professor Emeritus at Ryerson University where he taught for many years as a distinguished member of his Department and also served as a member of many committees on campus. With selfless devotion, he established the Canadian Jewish Book Awards in 1988, raised interest and funds in the greater Toronto Jewish community to support these pre-eminent awards in Jewish Canada, and ensured their success working with various agencies including a number of generous benefactors and the Federation.

Once retired from Ryerson University, he served as Director of the Holocaust Centre of Toronto and extended its scope and operations, and for a decade and a half was the editor-in-chief of Parchment, the pioneer annual of Jewish Canadian writing that achieved national and international notice. All this he did with great passion and also devotion to the needs of others and the Jewish community, perhaps as a debt of gratitude to the country that took him and his family in after they survived the war and the Holocaust in Europe and then Asian R ussia. In his learned work he was the first to write seriously and professionally as a literary scholar in English on Yiddish Canadian literature, publishing numerous essays, reviews and encyclopedia entries. He was the first to break ground, connecting Yiddish literary culture in Canada to the work and writing life of the first generation of Jewish Canadian English-language writers including A. M. Klein, Irving Layton, Mordecai Richler and others. The work that has followed in the wake of his publications in Yiddish Canadian studies has much to owe him for his groundbreaking achievements. One need only check any bibliography of Jewish and Yiddish Canadian writing to note his trailblazing distinguished contributions.

2013: Ira Robinson

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) is very pleased to announce that Professor Ira Robinson of Concordia University in Montreal is the 2013 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award.

For over thirty years, Professor Robinson has been a major pillar and contributor to the teaching and scholarship of Jewish Studies in Canada. Throughout this time, his contributions have added to such areas as; the history of Jews in Canada, Orthodox Judaism in North America, Hasidism, Judaism and Science, and Jewish mysticism. Of his extensive list of publications, several have been recognized for their outstanding contributions such as: The Thought of Maimonides (1990), An Everyday Miracle: Yiddish Culture in Montreal (1990), Not Written in Stone: Canadian Jews, Constitutions and Constitutional in Canada (2003) and Rabbis & Their Community: Studies in Eastern European Orthodox Rabbinate in Montreal, 1896-1930 (2007).

Furthermore, Professor Robinson has been a regular contributor to several academic journals such as: Studies in Religion, American Jewish History, American Jewish Archives, Canadian Jewish Studies. He is also been very active in several academic organizations such the ACJS, the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion, Association for Jewish Studies and the Canadian Society for Jewish Studies – to name a few. He is also recognized internationally as dedicated and learned scholar. As an educator, Ira Robinson has been a consistent and enthusiastic part of the promotion of Jewish Studies across Canada. Teaching at Concordia University, he is well respected by students and faculty members for his contributions to a strong Jewish studies program within the Department of Religion. Many students who have taken his courses over the years have recognized the value of his knowledge, style, and presentation. He has always welcomed open discussions and provided frequent opportunities for students to express their thoughts or explore specific areas of interest. As a regular public speaker on Jewish studies, he is well known and recognized for his skillfulness and extensive knowledge of Jewish affairs.

We look forward to presenting the Rosenberg Award to Professor Robinson on the evening of June 3, 2013 at our upcoming ACJS conference in Victoria, British Columbia.

2012: Harold Troper

Professor Harold Troper (University of Toronto) received the 2012 Award in Kitchener-Waterloo.

By way of this award we wish to acknowledge the enormous contribution that Professor Troper (a past president of the ACJS) has made to the study of Canadian Jewish History. His numerous scholarly publications are well known. A sample of these includes:

None Is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948 (1983, co-authored with Irving Abella); Old Wounds: Jews, Ukrainians and the Hunt for Nazi War Criminals in Canada (1988, co-authored with Morton Weinfeld) The Ransomed of God: The Secret Rescue of the Jews of Syria (1999) and The Defining Decade: Identity, Politics, and the Canadian Jewish Community in the 1960s (2010).

He has also authored or co-authored many other books and monographs dealing more generally with issues related to immigration, intergroup relations, multiculturalism, ethnic diversity, and the like in which the Canadian Jewish experience is explored. During his many years of teaching at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) of the University of Toronto he has influenced a multitude of students, greatly stimulating their interest in Canadian Jewish history. An eloquent and engaging speaker, Troper has lectured widely and effectively to the general public on subjects related to the Jewish experience in Canada, thus increasing the scope of his influence well beyond the walls of academe.

2011: Marcia Koven

Marcia Koven founded the St. John Jewish Historical Museum, a distinguished institution of great importance for the perpetuation of the study of Canadian Jewish history. Koven was born in 1926 and throughout her life has been devoted to the Canadian Jewish community, most notably its preservation and teaching its history through the museum. Koven’s museum, opened in 1986, remains the only Jewish museum in Atlantic Canada. Koven travelled to our conference from
her home in Saint John, New Brunswick, to receive the award in person. Beginning with our 2011 conference, our annual “best student paper” award was renamed the Marcia Koven Award.

2010: Eiran Harris

The ACJS proudly recognizes the exceptional role Eiran Harris has played in preserving and disseminating the history of Jewish Montreal and Canada and in assisting the research of countless scholars of the Canadian Jewish experience, both amateur and professional.

2009: Seymour Mayne

Seymour Mayne is being honoured for his life-long achievements in creating poetry rich with Jewish themes and images, his dedication and commitment to the scholarship and teaching of Canadian Jewish literature, and for his outstanding contribution to establishing and directing the Vered Program in Jewish Canadian Studies at the University of Ottawa. This honour was presented Sunday, May 24, 2099 in Ottawa.

Professor Mayne is one of Canada’s foremost poets and literary scholars. He has been active for close to four decades as a published poet, and has enjoyed a long and illustrious academic career in the University of Ottawa’s English department. He is author, editor, and translator of more than 50 books and monographs, and his poetry has been widely translated into French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Yiddish. He has promoted Canadian letters for many years through reading groups, journals, anthologies and wide variety of literary forums and events. He is the recipient of numerous prizes, including the Canadian Jewish Book Awards.

Professor Mayne has been instrumental in the promotion of Jewish Canadian StudiesHe rallied for many years for the establishment of a local program in Jewish Canadian Studies at the University of Ottawa. In 2006, he oversaw the founding of the Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Program. The Vered Program was created to promote an understanding of Jewish life, culture, literature, and history in a Canadian context and offers an array of interdisciplinary courses in both English and French, as well as a minor in Canadian Jewish Studies. Professor Mayne continues to serve as the program’s director and most ardent promoter.

2008: Seymour Levitan

Seymour Levitan of Vancouver is the 2008 recipient of the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award. The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) is proud to recognize Mr. Levitan’s award winning translations of prominent Canadian Yiddish poets and his tireless support and leadership in the field of Yiddish education in Canada.

Levitan was educated at the University of Pennsylvania and Simon Fraser University.  His translations of Yiddish poems and stories are included in numerous anthologies, among them Ashes Out of Hope (Schocken, 1977), The Best of Sholem Aleichem (New Republic, 1979), The Penguin Book of Yiddish Verse (Viking Penguin, l987), A Treasury of Yiddish Stories (Viking Penguin, l989), The I.L. Peretz Reader (Schocken, l990, Yale University Press, 2002), The Second First Art (Editions D’Autrui, l996), Beautiful as the Moon, Radiant as the Stars (Time Warner, 2003).

He has written articles on Rachel Korn for the Encyclopedia of Literature in Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2002) and Jewish Women, a comprehensive historical encyclopedia (Shalvi Publishing, Jerusalem, 2005), and articles on Rachel Korn and Y.Y. Segal for the EncyclopediaJudaica, 2nd Edition (Jerusalem, 2006).

Paper Roses, his selection and translation of Rachel Korn’s poetry, was the l988 winner of the Robert Payne Award of the Translation Center at Columbia University.

I Want to Fall Like This, his selection and translation of Rukhl Fishman’s poems, was published by Wayne State University Press in l994.

He has lectured on translating Yiddish literature for the “Issues in Translation” panel at the Association of Canadian Jewish Studies conference, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Toronto, May 2002; on “Rachel Korn, Eternal Debtor” at the launch of the Rachel Korn website, Jewish Public Library, Montreal, August 2003; on Rachel Auerbach’s memoirs of the Warsaw Ghetto (Jewish Studies program, University of B.C.; Vancouver, February 2003), Nakhman of Bratslav’s tales (Congregation Or Shalom, Vancouver, December 2003); I.L. Peretz’s memoirs (Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture, Vancouver, April 2004, and Temple Am Olam, Seattle, August 2004); on “A Soup Kitchen in the Warsaw Ghetto”, his translation of chapters from R. Auerbach’s Warsaw Testaments at the JCC Jewish Book Festival, Vancouver, November 2007; on “Translating Rokhl Korn” at the Association of Jewish Studies conference, Toronto, December 2007.

He is currently translating Rachel Auerbach’s memoirs of her experiences in the Warsaw Ghetto.

2007: Cyril E. Leonoff

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies is pleased to announce that is has granted the 2007 Distinguished Service Award to Cyril E. Leonoff, a resident of Vancouver. The award acknowledges the lifetime scholarly achievements of Mr. Leonoff in Canadian Jewish Studies, and particularly in the documentation of the Jewish History of British Columbia. Mr. Leonoff is also well known for his extensive research on the Jews who settled in the Canadian Prairies, notably the farm settlements in Saskatchewan.

2006: Irving Abella

2005: Gerald Tulchinsky

Professor Tulchinsky has played a determining role in the development of Canadian Jewish Studies in the academic world, at a time when there existed few serious monographs and little understanding of what the field entailed in terms of methodology and approach, not to mention even the notion that an Canadian immigrant community could be studied at all. After having left his mark in monumental studies of classic nineteenth century Anglo-Canadian figures, as portrayed in River Barons and in his book on Kingston, Tulchinsky courageously undertook in the early nineties the task of providing a complete historical narrative of the history of Jews in Canada, form the founding of the Shearith Israel congregation in Montreal in 1768 by a handful of persons to the multiple and complex issues faced in the post Holocaust world by one of the largest Jewish communities of the world.

This task was achieved in large part by the publication of two monographs, Taking Root in 1992 and Branching Out in 1998, who have set the standard for all scholars interested today in researching one aspect or another of the long and fruitful history of Canadian Jews. Such is the influence of these two monographs, that virtually all subsequent studies and all teaching in the field has been based on them in one way or another. Professor Tulchinsky has also been instrumental in welcoming new scholars and researchers in the domain of Canadian Jewish Studies. By his enthousiastic guidance of graduate students and by his generosity to younger colleagues, he has attracted talent and retained in the field individuals who would perhaps otherwise have been busying themselves with other historical periods or topics. Professor Tuchinsky has also been particularly attentive in his career to opening the way to dialogue between scholars of different cultural background, thereby bringing into view issues in Jewish Canadian history, notably anti-Semitism and intercommunity relations, that required a balanced judgement and a sound knowledge of several religious traditions.

The Award was presented Sunday, May 28, 2006 at Congregation Beth Sholom in Ottawa.

 2004: Abraham Arnold

The Award is presented in honour of Abraham Arnold’s life-long achievements in the study and documentation of the Canadian Jewish experience, and to recognize his significant contribution to the understanding of Jewish history and unceasing support of Canadian Jewish archives. The award was presented Sunday, May 30, 2004 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

2003: Ruth Goldbloom

2002: Rabbi Gunther Plaut

2001: Miriam Waddington

The inaugural presentation of this award was made to Miriam Dworkin Waddington to honour her for her long-time exemplary contribution to Canadian Jewish cultural life as a poet, essayist and short story writer; as a consummate translator from Yiddish into English; scholar of A.M. Klein; editor and anthologist of other Canadian Jewish writers; and for her support of Jewish Studies.

Miriam Waddington, a Winnipeg native and a proud graduate of Winnipeg’s Peretz School, is one of Canada’s premier poets and has been widely anthologized. She has also been a central figure in Canadian Jewish culture, writing searching and haunting poems with Jewish themes, engaging in critical appraisals of A.M. Klein and others, anthologizing Canadian Jewish literature, and offering English speakers sparkling translations of Yiddish writers.

The ACJS and Congregation Beth Israel , in partnership with the Jewish Historical Society of British Columbia, The Isaac Waldman Jewish Public Library and Vancouver Peretz Institute presented a gala evening entitled “And Miriam chanted for them: an evening honouring Miriam Waddington” in Vancouver on Saturday, February 10, 2001.