Association d’études juives canadiennes

Author: ACJS Team Page 3 of 8

Online Now: Meet the Author, Episode 2

Now online! Check out Episode 2 of Assooction for Canadian Jewish Studies Presents: Meet the Author. 

Hernan Tesler-Mabé (University of Ottawa), author of Mahler’s Forgotten Conductor: Heinz Unger and his Search for Jewish Meaning  is interviewed by Karen Painter (University of Minnesota) and Richard Menkis (University of British Columbia). 

Check this, and our other online events, at

Online now: ACJS Presents, “Online Harassment and Hate in Canada: Realities and Remedies”

Our first “ACJS Presents” live session addressed the contentious and contemporary issue of “Online harassment and hate in Canada: realities and remedies.” In a session chaired by ACJS president, Hernan Tesler-Mabé, our presenters – Heidi Tworek, Bernie Farber, and Megan Hollinger – offered varied but interlocking analyses of the impacts of online prejudices (especially antisemitism) and possible responses. If you missed this 90-minute session, it is now available on the ACJS Youtube page, as well as our various social media platforms.

We encourage you to watch this important discussion at the following link:

ACJS Presentation Series is Up and Running!

Dear friends:

 The ACJS is pleased to announce its first recorded event, and an upcoming live event. If you would like to propose a session or a recorded event to the ACJS, please see the call for papers, which we have re-posted below. 

Now online: 

We have posted on our youtube channel, [] an interview with Emily Robins Sharpe on her new book Mosaic Fictions: Writing Identity in the Spanish Civil War. The interviewers are Norman Ravvin (Concordia University) and Jesse Toufexis (University of Ottawa). Ordering information with a discount code, are also there.  

Upcoming event:

Please join us for our first online event, on Tuesday July 28 2020, at 2:00pm EDT.


Our participants:

Bernie Farber’s career spans more than a quarter century focused on human rights, pluralism and inter-ethnic/faith/race relations. He is one of the few in the field to be accepted by Canadian Courts as an expert in hate crime, white supremacy and anti-racism. He is Chair of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, sits as a board member of Human Rights Watch. His latest venture is as Publisher of the news site, the Canadian Jewish Record. 

Megan Hollinger is completing her M.A. in Religious Studies at the University of Ottawa. Her research looks at combating antisemitism in contemporary Canada through law.  She begins her Ph.D. in Religious Studies at the University of Ottawa in September, and will research alternate, community-based solutions for combating antisemitism.

Heidi Tworek is an Associate Professor of International History and Public Policy at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. She has advised multiple North American and European governments on addressing hate speech, including a testimony before the Canadian Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights in 2019.  

Our moderator: Hernan Tesler-Mabé  

Hernan Tesler-Mabé  is  a historian studying the intersections of music and refugee experience. He just published Mahler’s Forgotten Conductor: Heinz Unger and his Search for Jewish Meaning  which will be reviewed soon in our online series of interviews. He is currently coordinator of the Vered Jewish Canadian Studies Program at the University of Ottawa, where he has taught in the departments of  History, Communications, and, most recently, Modern Languages and Religious Studies.   Hernan  is President of the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies.

BY RSVP only.

RSVP to Elizabeth Moorhouse-Stein <>

You must register to receive the zoom link, and you only those who have responded will receive the link and be admitted to the event. 

(Please arrive at 150 pm to be admitted to the event).

Chers amis,

 L’AÉJC est heureuse d’annoncer son premier événementpréenregistré, ainsi qu’un prochain événement en direct. Si voussouhaitez proposer une session ou un événement préenregistré à l’AÉJC, veuillez consulter l’appel à communications, que nous avons republié ci-dessous. 

Maintenant en ligne : 

Nous avons mis en ligne sur notre chaîne YouTube une entrevue avec Emily Robins Sharpe sur son nouveau livre Mosaic Fictions : Writing Identity in the Spanish Civil War. Les interviewers sont Norman Ravvin (Université Concordia) et Jesse Toufexis (Université d’Ottawa). Les informations pour commander avec un code de réduction sont disponibles ensuivant le même hyperlien. 

Événement à venir :

Vous êtes invités à vous joindre à nous pour notre premier événement en ligne, le mardi 28 juillet 2020, à 14h00 EDT.


Nos participants :

La carrière de Bernie Farber s’étend sur plus d’un quart de siècle et se concentre sur les droits de l’homme, le pluralisme et les relations interethniques, religieuses et raciales. Il est l’un des rares dans ce domaine à être accepté par les tribunaux canadienscomme expert en matière de crimes haineux, de suprématieblanche et d’antiracisme. Il est président du Réseau canadiencontre la haine et siège au conseil d’administration de Human Rights Watch. Sa dernière aventure est celle d’éditeur du site d’information le Canadian Jewish Record. 

Megan Hollinger termine sa maîtrise en études religieuses à l’université d’Ottawa. Ses recherches portent sur la lutte contrel’antisémitisme dans le Canada contemporain par le biais du droit.  Elle commence son doctorat en études religieuses à l’Université d’Ottawa en septembre et cherchera d’autressolutions communautaires pour lutter contre l’antisémitisme.

Heidi Tworek est professeure associée d’histoire internationale et de politique publique à l’université de Colombie-Britannique à Vancouver. Elle a conseillé de nombreux gouvernements nord-américains et européens sur la lutte contre les discours haineux, et a notamment témoigné devant le Comité permanent canadiende la justice et des droits de l’homme en 2019.  

Notre modérateur : Hernan Tesler-Mabé  

Hernan Tesler-Mabé est un historien qui étudie les intersections entre la musique et l’expérience des réfugiés. Il vient de publierMahler’s Forgotten Conductor: Heinz Unger and his Search for Jewish Meaning, qui sera bientôt examiné dans notre séried’entretiens en ligne. Il est actuellement coordinateur du programme d’études juives canadiennes Vered à l’Universitéd’Ottawa, où il a enseigné dans les départements d’histoire, de communication et, plus récemment, de langues modernes et d’études religieuses. Hernan est aussi président de l’Associationd’études juives canadiennes.

Sur demande uniquement.

RSVP à Elizabeth Moorhouse-Stein <>

Vous devez vous inscrire pour recevoir l’invitation Zoom, après quoi le lien privé vous sera envoyé. 

(Veuillez vous présenter à 13h50 pour être admis à l’événementvirtuel)

ACJS Presentation Series: Call for Proposals

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies is pleased to announce plans for a series of online events exploring contemporary and past issues relevant to the Canadian Jewish experience. 

The first events will take place in July and August of 2020 and will draw from papers that would have been presented at the postponed annual conference. There will be, in addition, presentations and discussions relevant to this challenging moment of racial tensions and anxieties relating to the COVID pandemic.

We are also calling for proposals for a second stage of presentations, beginning in the Fall of 2020. There will be two formats, and the proposal should be appropriate to the preferred format.

We will hold a live event at least once a month which would be akin to a session at a conference; that is, two or three presenters of twenty-minute papers with a moderator. A proposal should include a summary of the session (about 150 words) and abstracts of the papers (about 300 words), and short biographies (about 100 words) of the presenters and moderator. All presenters must agree to be recorded. 

In addition, we will post for view a number of pre-recorded presentations (of about twenty minutes) of interest to both lay and professional audiences; for example, a discussion with the author of a new book or a recently-defended PhD dissertation; or “tours” of libraries, archives and museums, explaining what they can tell us about the Canadian Jewish experience, with an emphasis on recent acquisitions. Please provide a summary of the presentation (about 300-500 words) and a short biography of the presenter (about 100 words).

Please send your proposals to Jesse Toufexis ( and /or Richard Menkis ( The deadline is 15 July 2020. Please do not send recordings, but we will need assurances that you have access to the necessary technology for clearly recording your proposed presentation. 

We are also looking for co-sponsors. We believe this initiative will afford Jewish studies archives, departments, and organizations across Canada the opportunity to join closer together and co-sponsor a scholarly event with minimal—if any—financial commitments. Organizations who join us in this endeavor would then share the presentations once they are posted, thus fulfilling their major mandate as “co-sponsor” of the initiative. If you are interested in a co-sponsorship, please contact Jesse and/or Richard, at the above addresses. 

We look forward to hearing from you. Stay healthy, stay connected, and “stay tuned” for information about our events this summer and after.


L’Association d’études juives canadiennes est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle prévoit une série d’événements en ligne explorant les enjeux liés à l’expérience juive canadienne passée et contemporaine. 

Les premiers événements auront lieu en juillet et août 2020 et s’inspireront de communications qui auraient été présentées lors de la conférence annuelle que nous durent reporter à l’an prochain. Il y aura, en outre, des présentations et des discussions en rapport avec ce moment difficile de tensions raciales et d’angoisses liées à la pandémie de COVID-19.

Nous lançons également un appel à communications pour une deuxième phase de présentations, qui débutera à l’automne 2020. Il y aura deux formats, et la proposition devra être adaptée au format préféré.

Une fois par mois, nous organiserons au moins un événement en direct qui s’apparenterait à une session de conférence, c’est-à-dire deux ou trois communications de vingt minutes ainsi qu’une période de questions modérée par un.e président.e. Pour ce format, votre proposition doit comprendre un résumé de la thématique de la scéance (environ 150 mots) et des résumés des communications (environ 300 mots), ainsi que de courtes biographies (environ 100 mots) des présentateur.trices et du/de la président.e de scéance. Tous les participants doivent accepter d’être enregistrés pour l’occasion.

Ensuite, nous présenterons un certain nombre de communications préenregistrées (d’environ vingt minutes) qui intéresseront à la fois les professionnels et le grand public ; par exemple, une discussion avec l’auteur d’un nouveau livre ou d’une thèse de doctorat récemment soutenue ; ou des “visites” de bibliothèques, d’archives et de musées, expliquant ce qu’ils peuvent nous apprendre sur l’expérience juive canadienne, en mettant l’accent sur les acquisitions récentes. Veuillez fournir un résumé de la présentation (environ 300-500 mots) et une courte biographie du/de la présentateur.trice (environ 100 mots).

Veuillez envoyer vos propositions à Jesse Toufexis ( et/ou Richard Menkis ( La date limite est fixée au 15 juillet 2020. Il n’est pas nécessaire de nous envoyer des enregistrements, toutefois devrez nous confirmer que vous avez accès à la technologie nécessaire pour enregistrer clairement votre présentation. 

Nous sommes également à la recherche de commanditaires pour ces événements. Nous pensons que cette initiative permettra aux archives, départements et organisations d’études juives de tout le Canada de se rapprocher et de parrainer un événement universitaire avec peu ou aucun engagement financier. En guise de mandat, les organisations participantes s’engagent à disséminer les présentations une fois qu’elles seront affichées. Si vous souhaitez commanditer cette initiative, veuillez contacter Jesse et/ou Richard, aux adresses ci-dessus. 

Nous attendons avec impatience de recevoir vos propositions. Restez en bonne santé, restez en contact et “restez à l’écoute” pour obtenir des informations sur nos événements de cet été et des années suivantes.

Book Announcement: New Canadian Holocaust Memoir by Ferenc Andai, Published by the Azrieli Foundation

Ferenc Andai’s memoir is a riveting story that sheds light on a little-known chapter of the Holocaust, when thousands of Hungarian Jewish men were sent to do forced labour in a mining camp complex in Bor, Serbia, in 1944. In the lush mountains of Serbia, young Ferenc finds a community of poets, artists and intellectuals whose lives are shattered by Nazi terror.

Andai toiled alongside the Hungarian poet Miklós Radnóti — one of the greatest Hungarian poets of the twentieth century — in the forced labour camp in the months preceding Radnóti’s murder, and much of the first half of the memoir recounts time spent with him and his literary circle in the camp as Radnóti composes and recites his poems. The author includes many excerpts of Radnóti’s poems, which are about their shared experience in the labour camp. 

The book is a haunting remembrance of a man’s experience as a nineteen-year-old, told in present-tense but clearly as remembered many decades later by someone who became a well-educated and masterful storyteller.

This is the first English translation of Ferenc Andai’s Hungarian memoir, which was published in 2003 and won the Miklós Radnóti National Prize the following year.

Titles in the Azrieli Series of Holocaust Memoirs are available free of charge to Canadian scholars, students, and teachers. Request copies by email:

The Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program was established by the Azrieli Foundation in 2005 to collect, preserve and share the memoirs and diaries written by survivors of the Holocaust who came to Canada.

For more information, visit:

ACJS Bulletin Call for Submissions

Dear friends,

I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy, and indoors during these challenging times.  
The time has come for the biannual call for submissions for the ACJS Bulletin. Please  send me your updates for publication in the Spring Bulletin: current research, publications, conferences, seminars, and lectures on Canadian Jewish studies. I would also appreciate news from your community, museum, or historical society. This includes any news as well as changes in organizational leadership. We also invite short features on significant, but lesser known, figures in Canadian Jewish history. 

Please send your submissions to with the subject line “Submission – ACJS Bulletin.”

We welcome photos, logos, or other images as accompaniments to your submission – please include these in your email, as well as captions where applicable. Submissions many be in English or French. Bonus points for those whose submissions are bilingual!
Please note: – All submissions must be in .doc or .rtf format.- All photos, logos, and images must be in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format.

All materials must be submitted by April 16 to ensure timely publication and distribution. Submissions received after that date will be held for the Fall edition.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Wishing you and yours a peaceful Shabbas and Chag Pesach Sameach,

Mahler’s Forgotten Conductor: Heinz Unger and his Search for Jewish Meaning, 1895–1965

Our very own President, Hernan Tesler-Mabe has just released his new book Mahler’s Forgotten Conductor: Heinz Unger and his Search for Jewish Meaning, 1895–1965.
This is a must-read book that looks at how the strands of German Jewish identity converge and were negotiated by a musician who spent the majority of his life trying to grasp who he was.

This book sets this exploration of Unger’s “performative ritual” within a biographical tale of a life lived travelling the world in search of a home, from the musician’s native Germany, to the Soviet Union, England, Spain, and finally, Canada.

Click here to get your own copy:

Cancellation of ACJS 2020

Dear Association for Canadian Jewish Studies members:

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization reclassified COVID-19 (Coronavirus) to the status of pandemic. Taking into consideration the level of risk confronting us all and the measures being put in place to limit the transmission of the disease, the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies has taken the extraordinary step to cancel its 2020 conference, to be held May 24-26 at Library and Archives Canada and the Soloway Jewish Community Centre in Ottawa. We still hope to hold our Annual General Meeting via alternate means and will update you on this as our plans evolve. We regret any inconvenience this may bring and look forward to seeing you all at our 2021 conference.

Most sincerely, 
Hernan Tesler-Mabé
ACJS PresidentJesse Toufexis 
ACJS Conference Chair 

Magdalene Klassen

Magdalene Klassen is a PhD student at Johns Hopkins University. She studies the history of Jewish life in the British empire during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. Her article in the Canadian Jewish Studies Journal is about elite Jewish women who participated in the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire during the early twentieth century. Focused on the activities of two sisters, Irene Wolff and Rosetta Joseph, it explores their strategic approach to advocating for Jewish causes through a conservative women’s patriotic organization. Though their successes were minimal, their efforts demonstrate the concerns and methods of Canada’s Anglo-Jewish community after the demographic and cultural changes resulting from Eastern European Jewish immigration.

“The ‘Malestrom’ at Christie Pits: Jewish Masculinity and the Toronto Riot of 1933”

Monda Halpern is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at The University of Western Ontario where she teaches Canadian Social, Gender, and Jewish History. Her most recent book is Alice in Shandehland: Scandal and Scorn in the Edelson/Horwitz Murder Case, an examination of a 1931 homicide in the Ottawa Jewish Community.

The article, “The ‘Malestrom’ at Christie Pits: Jewish Masculinity and the Toronto Riot of 1933,” is the first detailed examination of the gendered aspects of the Riot at Christie Pits, including analysis of violent and virtuous masculinity by the Jewish combatants, the rhetoric of masculinity in personal and collective memory, and the historically neglected  involvement of women.

Read her article on the CJS Journal!

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