Dear friends,
Please find attached our Spring 2022 Bulletin!
Thank you to our wonderful team for putting this together. And don’t forget to join us for our annual conference and AGM May 29-31!
Hernan Tesler-Mabé, President
Dear friends,
Please find attached our Spring 2022 Bulletin!
Thank you to our wonderful team for putting this together. And don’t forget to join us for our annual conference and AGM May 29-31!
Hernan Tesler-Mabé, President
Dear ACJS Members,
Conference season is upon us! Attached, you’ll find the schedule for this year’s ACJS virtual conference.
As was the case last year, registration is free/by donation, so I encourage every one of you to come for one, two, or twelve sessions as your schedule permits.
You can register at this link:
Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks!
All the best,
Jesse Toufexis
ACJS Conference Chair
Since 2001, the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies has presented the Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award to recognize a significant contribution made by an individual, institution, or group to Canadian Jewish Studies. We are delighted to announce that the 2022 Louis Rosenberg Award is being awarded to Michael Brown.
Professor Emeritus Michael Brown earned his BA from Harvard College (1960) and his MA from Columbia University (1963) before training for the rabbinate and earning his rabbinic ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary (1968). He then earned his PhD from the State University of New York at Buffalo (1976). In 1968, while he was still completing his PhD, Michael Brown was recruited by York University to build a Jewish Studies program, ex nihilo. At York, he developed and taught some two dozen courses to thousands of students over the course of his career at various levels of the curriculum. His published work on Jewish education, including Teaching Teachers (with Alex Pomson and Sydney Eisen, 2000), Creating the Jewish Future (with Bernard Lightman 1999 – translated into Russian in 2001), and Approaches to Antisemitism: Context and Curriculum (1994) are highly influential. In addition to serving as coordinator for York University’s Jewish Teacher Education Program, his leadership activities included his role as liaison between the Faculty of Education and the Holocaust Remembrance Committee of the Canadian Jewish Congress. In addition to his books, Professor Brown has published some thirty-five book chapters, about half of which focused on Canadian Jewish subjects ranging from bi-nationalism and multiculturalism to antisemitism in the 1930s, from Jewish summer camping to Canadian Jewish women’s history, and from Jewish teacher education to Canadian Zionism. He also published twenty-two articles in refereed journals, again about half of which were on Canadian Jewish topics – on religion, politics, history, and education – in both English and Hebrew. With over thirty additional publications over and above his books, chapters, and peer-reviewed articles, Professor Brown’s output has been impressive. Worth highlighting here are his studies of Rabbi Stuart E. Rosenberg, Jews and Judaism in Canada’s Schools and Universities, the rise of Reform Judaism in Canada, the Hart Affair, aliyah from Canada, the diaspora Hebrew press, and the North American dimensions of key Zionist leaders, including Chaim Nahman Bialik, Vladimir Jabotinsky, and Golda Meir.
Our most sincere thanks go to Professor Brown for his decades of exceptional work in our field, and our congratulations on being presented the Louis Rosenberg Award.
Depuis 2001, l’Association d’études juives canadiennes a décerné le Prix d’excellence Louis Rosenberg en études juives canadiennes afin de reconnaître la contribution importante d’un individu, d’une institution ou d’un groupe aux études juives canadiennes. Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que le Prix Louis Rosenberg 2022 est décerné à Michael Brown.
Le professeur émérite Michael Brown a obtenu un baccalauréat du Harvard College (1960) et une maîtrise de l’Université Columbia (1963) avant de se former au rabbinat et d’être ordonné rabbin du Jewish Theological Seminary (1968). Il a ensuite obtenu son doctorat à l’université d’État de New York à Buffalo (1976). En 1968, alors qu’il terminait son doctorat, Michael Brown a été recruté par l’Université York pour mettre en place un programme d’études juives. Durant sa carrière à York, il a élaboré et enseigné quelque deux douzaines de cours à des milliers d’étudiants de différents niveaux du programme. Ses travaux publiés sur l’éducation juive, dont Teaching Teachers (avec Alex Pomson et Sydney Eisen, 2000), Creating the Jewish Future (avec Bernard Lightman 1999 – traduit en russe en 2001), et Approaches to Antisemitism : Context and Curriculum (1994) sont très influents. En plus d’être le coordonnateur du programme de formation des enseignants juifs de l’Université York, il a joué un rôle de premier plan en tant qu’agent de liaison entre la Faculté d’éducation et le Comité de commémoration de l’Holocauste du Congrès juif canadien. En plus de ses livres, le professeur Brown a publié quelque trente-cinq chapitres de livres, dont environ la moitié portait sur des sujets juifs canadiens allant du binationalisme et du multiculturalisme à l’antisémitisme dans les années 1930, du camping d’été juif à l’histoire des femmes juives canadiennes, et de la formation des enseignants juifs au sionisme canadien. Il a également publié vingt-deux articles dans des revues à comité de lecture, dont la moitié environ portait sur des sujets juifs canadiens – religion, politique, histoire et éducation – en anglais et en hébreu. Avec plus de trente publications supplémentaires en plus de ses livres, chapitres et articles évalués par des pairs, la production du professeur Brown est impressionnante. Il convient de souligner ici ses études sur le rabbin Stuart E. Rosenberg, les juifs et le judaïsme dans les écoles et les universités canadiennes, l’essor du judaïsme réformé au Canada, l’affaire Hart, l’aliyah du Canada, la presse hébraïque de la diaspora et les dimensions nord-américaines des principaux dirigeants sionistes, notamment Chaim Nahman Bialik, Vladimir Jabotinsky et Golda Meir.
Nous adressons nos plus sincères remerciements au professeur Brown pour ses décennies de travail exceptionnel dans notre domaine, et nous le félicitons de s’être vu décerner le prix Louis Rosenberg.
Conference season is upon us! Please find the Call for Papers for this year’s online conference below!
Our 2021 Bulletin has arrived! You can find it just below.
ACJS Louis Rosenberg Distinguished Service Award 2022/Prix d’excellence Louis Rosenberg de l’AÉJC 2022
Le français suit l’anglais
The Rosenberg Award Committee of the Association for Canadian Jewish Studies is now inviting members of our Association to submit nominations for the 2022 Louis Rosenberg Canadian Jewish Studies Distinguished Service Award.
Submissions should be accompanied by a statement outlining the individual’s or the institution’s background and justifying the suggestion. Since 2002, the award has been presented annually by the ACJS to an individual, group or institution that has made significant contributions to Canadian Jewish Studies in one or more fields. The deadline is March 1, 2022. If an appropriate recipient is identified, the award will be presented at our next annual meeting on online May 29-30, 2022.
Please send your nominations to the chair of the award committee, Barry Stiefel,
Le comité du Prix Rosenberg de l’Association d’études juives canadiennes invite maintenant les membres de notre association à soumettre des candidatures pour le prix Louis Rosenberg 2022. Il s’agit d’un prix remis pour souligner l’excellence dans le domaine des études juives canadiennes.
Les propositions doivent être accompagnées d’une déclaration décrivant la personne ou la vocation de l’institution, ainsi qu’une justification de la candidature. Depuis 2001, le prix a été décerné chaque année par l’AÉJC à un individu, un groupe ou une institution qui a apporté une importante contribution aux études juives canadiennes dans un ou plusieurs champs. La date limite est le 1er mars 2022. Si un candidat approprié est identifié, le prix sera remis lors de notre prochaine assemblée annuelle virtuelle, les 29 et 30 mai 2022.
Veuillez envoyer vos candidatures au président du comité de sélection, Barry Stiefel, à l’adresse suivante :
English is above
The latest ACJS bulletin is now available for your viewing! Take a look on our bulletin page.
The latest episode of Meet the Author is now live! In this week’s episode, Nicole Bryck, Andrea Knight, and Paula Draper discuss their fascinating new volume (The Tailor Project: How 2,500 Holocaust Survivors Found a New Life in Canada) with Frank Bialystok and Jesse Toufexis. Enjoy, and we’ll see you in the new year!
The latest episode of Meet the Author is now live! In this week’s episode, Ruth Panofsky (Ryerson University) discusses her recent edited volume (The New Spice Box: Contemporary Jewish Writing) with Catherine Caufield (Concordia University of Edmonton) and Jesse Toufexis (University of Ottawa). Enjoy, and stay tuned for more episodes!
An event will be held to celebrate The New Spice Box, featuring discussions with some of the authors, on December 14th. You can find more information here:
Look out for a series of readings from The New Spice Box to be posted on Concordia’s Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies YouTube channel.
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